Sunday, June 10, 2018

There's No Business Like Show Business

A fun day started with a walk and ended watching the Tony Awards. Another gorgeous weather day, sunny and cool which is perfect. Marty and I went to the lake and walked three miles. Then we went to Starbucks where we both enjoy Chai Tea Latte and sit outside talking with some of Marty's friends. One lady has a beautiful Golden Retriever who is a therapy dog and so sweet. Love the doggie kisses.

Returning home the guys are ready to head into the downtown and Seaport Village. This is an adorable shopping area along the bay.  Stopped to see the famous statue "Unconditional Surrender" from a WWII photograph of a sailor kissing a nurse at the close of the war. This was created by Seward Johnson at his atelier  near Trenton, NJ. We were frequent visitors to the Grounds for Sculpture when we lived there.

Nearby was a tribute to Bob Hope and the many USO shows he did for the troops. Music from the era made the display even better.

We got tickets to take the Seal Tour and then popped into a cozy restaurant for lunch. The Seal Tour is a motor vehicle that is also amphibian. We drove along the bay to an area with a ramp and then entered the water to cruise.


Our driver was nice and our first mate was a hoot and made the trip very enjoyable. We saw lots of navy ships and also sea lions, seals, pelicans, egrets and gulls.

Snowy Egret

Great Egret

Lots of beautiful sailboats were out enjoying the great weather.

When we were leaving I told the mate that we were from South Carolina and she said the hydroterra vehicles are made in Bluffton. Huh! We will check this out since it was quite a surprise to us that there is any industry in our tiny town.

Love this sculpture which is composed of ribbon-like characters from eight different alphabets that combine to create the shape of the human body. ‘Pacific Soul’ Sculpture by Jaume Plensa.

Back on terra firma we headed home, stopping to pick up sandwiches for dinner. We turned around quickly and headed to a local park where we attended a concert/party. It was mobbed with residents and lots of young families. We sat in the sun and listened to a Journey cover band. Not my favorite music, but they were good and the crowd was dancing and swaying and having a good time.

Most of the night was spent glued to the TV watching the Tony Awards. It was a great show, as always. Love seeing the production numbers from the nominated shows and the presenters and winners.

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