Saturday, June 16, 2018

La La Land

A day in Hollywood...

Woke to our first gloomy day since we arrived. Where is the sun? The locals call it June gloom!

We walked down the street to eat breakfast at Vivian's. Today we had blueberry pancakes and they were delicious and huge! Neither of us could finish. We sat inside since it was chilly. Came back to find the bridal party checking in. At 11:00 we all met to board a Starline tour of the Hollywood Star Homes. Oh yes, we are tourists and it was fun. We drove up to Mulholland Drive and saw the same areas we had driven through on our way to the hotel. This time we had a guide who pointed out interesting sights and views were great. Jeff made friends with the guide's Yorkie puppy.

View of LA from Mulholland Drive

The Bride, Dori

Lots of celebrities live up here in the hills and some magnificent homes and the Hollywood sign.

This house was destroyed in a Die Hard movie

Cantilevered houses in earthquake country

The only house we could see well belonged to Gwen Stefani. Drove down to Beverly Hills and saw older, stately mansions.

Peter Falk

Bob Hope

Lucille Ball

Some of the owners were Peter Falk, Bob Hope and Lucille Ball, all next door neighbors. Saw the gates to the Playboy mansion

Think this was Michael Jackson's home

A Gaudi inspired home

Looked up the street where Tom Cruise lives. Ended up on Rodeo Drive where we cruised the expensive shopping district.

Two famous clubs

Then onto Sunset Boulevard and drove past Grauman's Chinese Theatre and the Dolby Center where the Academy Award ceremonies are held. The Hollywood Walk of stars stretches along the street for two miles.

Passed this beautiful church and the Hollywood Bowl and back to our hotel.

Our hotel is owned by the son of actress Beverly Garland who had originally owned it. Her portrait hangs in the lobby and I may be the only guest who recognized her.

Jeff had lunch poolside and now we are sitting on couches in the courtyard. Soon we’ll get dressed for the cocktail party.

It is a cool evening and the party is held outside at a small, lush park that is part of the hotel grounds. We spent most of the time seated around a long fire pit that gave us warmth. Cousins Marilyn and Terry have arrived and we get to visit with them as well as some of the women who we had met at dinner two nights ago. The party is hosted by Andy's parents.

Afterwards we went out to dinner with the cousins and Barbara and Howard, parents of the bride. Barbara is Jeff's second cousin. Her dad and his dad were first cousins who were very close to each other. The hotel suggested The Granville in Studio City and we got a large Uber that we could all fit into. The restaurant had a great menu and good food and service.It was very dark and we had to use flashlights to read the menu.

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