Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Stars and Stripes Forever

We left San Diego and drove north to Yorba Linda in Orange County. Drove through hilly landscape that had little or no vegetation. Easy to see how mud slides develop with a little rain and destroy homes and anything in the way. Arrived at the Nixon Library which is a lovely campus with a large white museum, flower gardens and Nixon's birth home. His dad had moved the family here and they grew lemons.

Nixon was one of five boys and only three survived to adulthood. He was an athlete and scholar and played five musical instruments including piano and violin. He received a full scholarship to Harvard, but the family was too poor to send him. Went to Whittier College and then Duke Law School. Navy veteran in WWII and at a young age elected to Congress and then the Senate. The museum does a nice job with the early years, but the bulk of the space is devoted to the Presidential years. An initial movie starts with the resignation and Watergate, so we found it all to be very honest and forthcoming.

On the phone in the Oval Office

 We spent a few hours reliving those years in the 1960's. Vietnam Nam, Civil Rights and all the issues that framed our young lives. Exhibits on the diplomatic trips were interesting, especially China.

Elvis visits the White House

The important handshake opens relations with China

Meeting Golda Meir in Israel

Escalation of troops in Viet Nam

Afterwards I strolled in the beautiful gardens and visited the birth home and the helicopter that ferried Nixon to and fro.

The Graves

Now we are in Costa Mesa at our hotel. Resting and getting ready for dinner with my new found cousins. We met in Newport Beach at 6:30 for dinner at Las Brisbas, right on the beach. Paul and his wife Bonnie were seated at a window table overlooking a park and the ocean. We ate and talked for three hours and found them to be most delightful. I had discovered Paul through my genealogy research. His grandmother was a sister to my grandfather, my mom's father. It was so exciting to finally meet and so easy to make conversation. I hope our paths cross again and that more of my cousins can meet Paul and Bonnie.

We drove along the coast to get back to our hotel. Watching election results and getting up early to head to LA.

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