Thursday, March 13, 2014

Oh Happy Day

Another adventure. Sometimes things don't go as planned, but turn out alright. The weather was perfect at home with blue skies and sunshine. But, there were storm systems moving through the Midwest and into the New York area. We got up, finished packing and drove Sirius to Maranatha Farms where he will spend his vacation while we are away.

Our pals Jan and Harvey drove us to the Savannah airport arriving at 4:00 pm. All was good as we checked in and sat patiently at the gate. We boarded the plane right on schedule and began to get more psyched for our trip. Then it began! The captain came on the speaker and said he had some news. The weather was bad in New York and we were told to wait for instructions on when we could take off. So we sat for about a half hour and then he delivered the news that we would be delayed about an hour and a half. Now I am getting nervous.

We all got off the plane and went to have dinner. Then we were called back and quickly got on the plane and took off for JFK. That was great, but unfortunately we arrived a few minutes too late to catch our connecting flight to Tel Aviv. I was so disappointed and figured we would have to stay overnight in New York and maybe see Brian. But, a turn of fate. The Delta Help Desk was extremely helpful and booked us on the El Al flight leaving at 11:50.

We ran to the El Al gate and waited for them to open. More bad news. They told us we would need a return ticket on El Al and that began a series of phone calls. Finally El Al decided we could return home with Delta and they issued us seats. I had said I would be happy to sit on the wing as long as we could go tonight. Well we are in the last row in the middle two seats of the middle section. We just took off and we are on our way. Hooray!

Well we are a friendly bunch sitting close together and eating our dinners off tiny trays. Adam, who is sitting next to Jeff is American born and made Aliyah with his family a few years ago. We had a nice conversation. Next to me is an older Israeli gentleman who does not seem to speak English. He wore a white shirt, tie, suspenders and black dress pants with tzit tzit and a short, trimmed beard. We also saw a couple at the gate who were wearing volunteer tee shirts and may be in our group. Have not had a chance to talk with them since we were busy getting ourselves onto the flight.

So we ate and listened to music and finally fell asleep. I set my watch ahead seven hours and when I woke it was 11:00 am. Sunlight was peeking around the edges of the window shades which were like sentinels holding back the daybreak. Men started walking to the back of the plane in long tallitot and tefillin. All shapes and sizes from young to old and modern to old fashioned. Some had long beards and payiss while others wore sport shirts with tefillin wrapped around their arms. One man stood by his seat wearing a large black hat and Tallis and davened. It is an amazing sight. Some read from prayer books and others moved their mouths from memory in prayers they had repeated every day for all of their lives. Jeff saw one guy scrolling the prayers on his iPhone. So funny to see an observant man all dressed up and in a big black hat wearing his ear buds.

Now it is  3:00 pm Israeli time and we are almost there. I watched the movie Nebraska and glad I did not go to a theatre to see it. Playing games and reading a book on my iPad.

Finally we arrived just after 4:00 pm and lo and behold our luggage is here! The airport is gorgeous with Jerusalem stone walls, glass and lots of large open areas.

 Our friend Shulamit is waiting at the arrivals hall and we quickly load everything into the car and head north to her house. Once there we take nice hot showers and rest while Shulamit makes dinner. I am in heaven with home made hummus, baba ghanoush, avocado, salad, salmon, stuffed cabbage, vegetables and more to eat. Now we are relaxing while Shulamit goes to meet her husband Hannoch and we will see him a little later.

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