Saturday, March 31, 2012


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A dreary, drizzly day could not stop the fun in the Outer Banks. Jeff and Ziggy took a stroll around the campground. It wasn't raining when we awoke so we decided to drive south to the Hatteras Lighthouse and were amazed at its beauty and height. Made of 1,250,000 red bricks and painted black and white it stands 210' and is the tallest lighthouse in the US. Several years ago they moved it 2900' inland to avoid erosion by the encroaching sea. We watched a movie showing this amazing engineering feat in the visitor center. It is part of the National Park System and well worth the drive. Luckily for us, you can't climb the 285 steps to the top until late April so we admired it from the bottom. Two deer were roaming in the nearby woods and they were cute.

We spent most of the day inside enjoying the solitude and our electronic devices. I used the time to watch the season premier of Mad Men on the iPad. It cleared late in the afternoon and we took a walk on the nearly deserted beach. Two sets of dolphins swam by and delighted us by diving in and out of the water. Could not ask for more fun. Cooked dinner and watch TV - a perfect day.

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