This year I joined the Synchronettes - Sun City's synchronized swimming team. I had never been to their performances and knew nothing about them. It seemed a good idea and it has become a way of life. Since last October I have been at a two hour rehearsal every Saturday morning. We stretch and swim laps to music and it is actually fun. Each of the women and four men are then put in musical numbers for our annual show. Most of the year is spent learning and rehearsing these numbers on Saturdays and also two or three nights a week and Wednesday afternoons. It is a huge commitment.
This past weekend were the three performances with two hundred folding chairs set up in the indoor pool deck area. I had a blast performing and seeing lots of friends in the audience to cheer me on. I was in a four women piece swimming to Heartbreak Hotel. We wore side burns and carried plastic guitars. Our silver tank tops had a large red heart and we had on blue slipper socks that were supposed to be blue suede shoes. I was also in the closing swimming to Sweet Caroline. That was great with the audience clapping and raising their arms over their heads in time to the music. The team all wear the same black bathing suit, bathing cap and black tights. It is hard to tell us apart. You're never too old to learn new tricks.
Photo: I am in the front row, fourth from the left.
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