Friday, October 02, 2009

Pack Up Your Troubles

Tonight we went to the Savannah Folk Song Society with Sue and Bob Wiener and had a fabulous time listening and singing along to a group named, "Midlife Crisis." Before that we had dinner at a cute restaurant called, Toucan Cafe, where the food and service were terrific. I can't wait to eat my leftovers.

Well it's been a busy time here at Sun City. I'm playing in the pickleball league on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and a few practice sessions in between. Mah Jongg is twice a week and also we schedule doctor visits and had flu shots. Last week our neighborhood had a ladies' luncheon and card party at Charley's Crab and that was fun. This week we had a dinner at Mrs. Wilkes in Savannah and a ghost trolley tour which I chaired with my friend Laura Marks. Jeff and I are working with the neighborhood social committee to produce "color wars" in November and we are in charge of the games.

We went to the volunteer fair and signed up to be on Sun City committees, so far nothing has happened, but I am adult education chair for our temple and that keeps me busy with registration and classes beginning this month. Jeff edits the temple newsletter and it is great looking and gets him lots of compliments. There was a huge parking lot sale in Sun City last weekend and and Jeff parked cars all morning as part of his volunteer service in the safety department. He also volunteers at the front gate on a regular basis. Jeff joined the barbershop chorus and is enjoying singing with them. He is also getting busy with his computer consulting business, so very little free time.

This past week I joined a new group called the Mountain Strings and I am playing my violin. They started out with dulcimers and have added other string instruments. I was able to sight read the music and had a wonderful time. Can't wait for Tuesday to go again.

Believe it or not there are more activities that we do along with house cleaning, gardening and walking Ziggy, and a favorite thing is to relax on our lanai and watch the lagoon and wildlife. So our days and nights are full and we are so happy here.

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