Sunday, September 20, 2009

There's No Business Like Show Business

It is Sunday night and we just returned from a triumphant performance of the play reading group. Jeff and I were both part of the seven person cast and it was great fun. The play is named, The Incident at San Bajo, and a very provacative piece with well written characters. We had a small audience and it was well received.

This week has been so busy with the High Holidays and lots of eating and socializing. We were invited out on Friday and Saturday for festive dinners with friends and we sang in the choir both days at services. I wish all of you a happy and healthy new year.

In the nature department we have a hummingbird hanging around and it is fascinating to watch. Lots of colorful butterflies also. I've been to the pool twice this week and tomorrow plan to go to water aerobics for the second time. So many activities to fit into the day. I finally got a few minutes to play the piano today which left very little time for cleaning and cooking and laundry.

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