Saturday, September 05, 2009


We love this Jacques Brel song - Carnivals and cotton candy, carousels and calliopes..... Well today was our end of year carnival and what fun! The big top tent was all decorated and inside we had games and food. Outside was a dunking booth and pie throwing station along with a popcorn stand. The inside food was hot dogs, drinks and cotton candy which we were spinning. It was good!

I ran a ball toss booth and Jeff was chicken man with the kids tossing rubber chickens into a basket. We had tons of prizes to hand out and everyone seemed happy. it was quite an effort to set this up and break it down, but everyone pitched in and it happened.

There were games and relays outside, but I was so busy I never got to see what was going on there. Tonight we are relaxing and tomorrow we go back to our regular Sunday schedule which means a trip to the laundry in the morning for me. On Monday Jeff and I will share duties driving the shuttle all day and that is it. I'm hoping we will leave on Tuesday and arrive home on Thursday.
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