Sunday was a gorgeous day and Jeff and I drove up to New Hampshire to look at the fall colors. We stopped at a seafood place for lunch and had a pleasant afternoon. That evening Carol took us to a good Italian restaurant and we had a great meal and time to talk.
Monday morning we drove to the airport and boarded our plane home. We were to stop in Atlanta and transfer to a Savannah flight. 15 minutes from D.C. we were told that we were landing at Dulles because of an electrical emergency. The seat belt lights had been blinking and dinging and that was not a good thing. As we landed four fire trucks raced up, but we were fine and got off onto a people mover thingie and rode to the terminal. We lucked out as they put us on a direct flight to Savannah where we arrived about an hour after schedule, but with no luggage. Our bags were delivered about 3 am this morning and now our trip is complete.
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