Sunday, February 18, 2018

Kissin' Cousins

Sunday morning we are on the move again heading north to The Villages. This unique community north of Orlando and south of Ocala has about 100,000 people and they are still building. Jeff's cousin's Terry and Marilyn rent here every winter and we enjoy visiting.

We had a quiet evening eating dinner at home which was most welcome after eating out most of the week. Staying up late to catch up on family news and reminisce was fun.

In the morning we went on a car tour to see the newest areas under construction. A new recreational center had a lovely nature boardwalk and I got to see some wildlife.

We had lunch at Toojay's Deli which is always a treat for us since there is not a deli at home. They have a good bakery too. Later we took a nice nap and then met up again for dinner. Eating is a big activity for the Glazers and eating ribs is especially good. We went to a hole in the wall place with ribs and chicken for me. Then back to the house for dessert and more visiting. Sadly this was our last night and Tuesday morning we got back in the car and headed home. Sirius was so excited to see us when we picked him up at his "camp." Now I am unpacked, laundry done, and ready for bed.

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