Wednesday, March 14, 2018

These Boots are Made for Walking

March 14 - School Walkout Day. I am so proud of the students at Bluffton High School who showed respect and courage by walking out of their school today in solidarity with students across the USA. They stood unified against the recent murders of 17 students in Parkland, and all school shootings beginning with Columbine. Against the wishes of their Superintendent of Schools, they nevertheless left the building and crossed the street to cheers from a group of supporting adults. Happily our local mayor was there and a few Sheriff's Deputies who were quietly keeping watch.

At 10:00 a few students emerged from the building to cheers and then more in drips and drabs. Many were in shorts and tee shirts on this very cold day. A few signs held by students and adults helped the spirit of the rally. A student read the names and ages of each of the Parkland victims to the silent group.

So proud to have participated today. In the large cities and small towns of America, people are showing up and speaking out. We need to protect our students. Schools are a place of learning and growing. A safe sanctuary.

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