Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lightning Striking Again

Today started out with beautiful weather and is ending with a raging thunderstorm. Rick is here visiting and we picked him up at his hotel in N. Conway and drove north through Bartlett and past Mt. Washington to show off all the beautiful scenery. Our destination was the Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch State Park. This is one of the main attractions and we have been waiting all summer to get here. We were here about 20 years ago and remembered walking the beautiful trails and the water flowing through the gorge. Today we also saw many wildflowers, moss, ferns and lichens.

Along the paths and steps we enjoyed seeing the beautiful rocks and sounds of the falling water. After climbing to the top we walked along a wooded path and across a covered bridge.

I was intrigued by many trees growing out of rocks with their roots stretching to find dirt for sustenance.
Finally we passed giant glacial boulders weighing over 300 tons and back to the visitor center. We drove south to N. Woodstock and had a leisurely lunch at the Woodstock Inn. Drove back on the Kancamagus which is always a magnificent ride. After dropping Rick back at this hotel we went home to nap.

I found a few minutes to take Sirius to the dog park. He is getting very good at chasing balls and almost brings them back. Later Rick drove down to us and we did a quick tour of the campground. We went out for a light dinner and then to Tamworth for the last show of the season at the Barnstormers. We saw The Spitfire Grill, a small musical with a different style of music. As always the cast was extremely talented and we enjoyed the show. Only problem is you can never see it again the first time. It started to pour when we were at dinner and continued with thunder and lightning during the show and is still raining as we get ready for bed.

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