Saturday, August 10, 2013


We have some groups here celebrating pirate week. One fun loving group are parrot heads, Jimmy Buffet fans. The have decorations and palm trees on their sites and very nice people with excellent costumes.
We also have some friendly firemen and a large group with kids. Everyone was excited about our cardboard board races. Teams were given a large piece of cardboard and a roll of duct tape and told to create a floating masterpiece. First was judging of best design.

The beach was packed with entrants and boats of all shapes and sizes. Then it was into the water for the racing competition.

This was so funny as many boats turned over or capsized while adults frantically plucked kids out of the wet cardboard vessels. Some boats were seaworthy and finished the race. Then we waited patiently to see who would be the last to float.

I was busy selling raffle tickets to benefit Camp KOA charity. We had a bicycle donated and  it was raffled off this evening.
Jeff decided to watch the festivities from a rowboat at our dock.
What a fun day and we capped it off with Jeff calling candy bar bingo. You guessed it, you play for candy bars and that is a sweet deal. Later we had our Saturday night dance and ice cream smorgasboard. Back at our campsite we had a roaring fire and enjoyed the beautiful night. Sirius waited patiently for us during the day. Here he is camped out on our bed.

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