Tuesday, September 03, 2013

So Long, Farewell

This title from The Sound of Music is perfect as we set off and work is done! Our last work day was Labor Day and we packed up and were ready to hit the road this morning. One hitch as our awning decided not to retract. After talking nice to it and prodding we got some assistance from Paul and his ladder and it was rolled up manually and secured. We drive off just before one o'clock and got to our new campground in Massachusetts two hours later.

At dinnertime we headed to Franklin to visit my niece Sharon and husband Jon in their new home. We loved it and they are fixing it up beautifully. The rooms are large with great windows and all on a fantastic one acre lot. Best of all they are expecting a little girl in a few months to share their life. Carol met us there and we all went out for a delicious Italian feast. Yum!

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