Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Old Friends


Today Carol and I set off for Vermont while Jeff went to Glens Falls to go grocery shopping. We took the Fort Ticonderoga Ferry to Shoreham, VT, and drove east to Killington. We were visiting Carol's dear friend, Sima, who was at her vacation home on the mountain. The two gals taught together in Cambridge, Mass starting in 1969 and were glad to have a chance to reconnect.We went to lunch at a  local brewery where we got to see them bottle the beer and package it all with automation. Sima's dad joined us and is a terrific 97 year old with lots of vitality and a great conversationalist. After lunch we toured the quaint town of Woodstock, VT, and then started the drive back to the campground.We caught the last ferry back to NY and met Jeff for dinner in Schroon. Now we are resting and getting ready for the work week leading into the 4th of July week which should be busy.
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