Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Bird is the Word

Jeff and I were off today and went to Albany on errands and grocery shopping on the way home. Along the way someone mentioned a pair of parrots living in Watervliet, just north of Albany and a short detour off our route. We found the place and there was the nest, just outside a Rite Aid Drugstore. We didn't see the birds, but did see their interesting nest on a utility pole. The opening is in the side. Turns out they are Monk Parakeets, also called Quaker Parrots. Originally from South American they now live in NY and Chicago and their nests interfere with utility lines. One of the birds had been removed and they are trying to catch the other one to put it into a shelter. They are robin sized and there are no eggs or babies in the nest according to newspaper reports. Would have been fun to see them.

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