Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Davy, Davy Crockett...


A perfect day with clear skies after a night of torrential rain. We woke late and drove south and west to Fulton County just outside the Adirondack park. We were heading to the towns of Gloversville and Johnstown where Jeff's grandparents lived many years ago. As you may know I have been researching our family histories for almost 20 years and we have never found any record for Jeff's paternal grandparents. Today we crashed through and finally found information on them.

We drove through beautiful back roads and passed many small lakes and miles and miles of lush green trees. Along the way we happened upon the Northhampton Diner and enjoyed a late lunch. The place is adorable as you can see in the first photo and the owner was working her tail off preparing the food. We had a good meal and good conversation and were on our way. Along the road we saw this huge Davy Crockett in a field advertising his log homes.

 At the courthouse in the county seat of Johnstown we settled in the records room and found many old volumes of handwritten records pertaining to petitions for naturalization and citizenship as well as birth and death records. We found a cousin of Jeff's grandparents and started making photo copies. We did not find anything on Jeff's grandparents or his aunt who was born in Johnstown. Just as we were putting everything away I noticed several thin journals that had no dates on them. Behold, one of them was 1906 and the first name under the G's was Robert Glazer! We had found his Declaration of Intent to become a citizen and information on the boat that brought him to America and when. Anyone interested in genealogy will understand my excitement.

We left Johnstown and drove to the nearby city of Gloversville where we found the cemetery where Jeff's relatives are buried. Unfortunately they only had a large family stone and individual small stones with no information other than their names and dates of birth and death. But, it was good to visit anyway and we got pictures to add to our records. The last photo shows Jeff at a farm stand where we stopped to look at lawn ornaments.

We drove east through Saratoga Springs and to the town of Glens Falls where we had reservations for dinner and a movie. Jeff had found a cute place online called Aimie's Dinner and Movie and they were showing "The Most Exotic Marigold Hotel." We have been anxious to see this movie and this was great as we were seated in a banquette, ordered dinner and ate during the movie. We got out and it was still light and we had time to grocery shop and drive home at a decent hour. We hope to go back again as the food was good, the place was clean and attractive
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