Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rag Doll


My sister Carol has come to visit! She arrived Monday night and is staying with us in the RV. Today it is rainy, but that can't dampen our spirits as we take off for a day of fun. Carol and I drive west and pass through the metropolis of Newcomb. We saw the bison farm and miles and miles of trees with a few houses thrown in every so often. We finally got to the cafe where Jeff and I ate last week and had breakfast. After that we continued to the town of Blue Mountain Lake and the Adirondack Museum. You're driving in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden there is the museum with about 50 cars in the parking lot and where did they all come from??? It is a great place on a rainy day even though there are several buildings on the grounds to visit. We enjoyed the art museum with pictures by the artist Tait and his Adirondack scenes. The transportation building has a private rail car that brought wealthy New Yorkers to their vacation homes and hotels, and also sleds, carriages and old motor cars. There's an old schoolhouse and a display on children's summer camps. Truly a jewel in this wilderness and a great gift shop also. The top photo is Carol standing by an old snow plow. Carol and me on a deck overlooking Blue Mountain Lake. After a lovely lunch in their cafe we took turns sitting in the big Adirondack chair and feeling like Edith Ann. Remember her?
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