Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Octopus's Garden

We are on a mini vacation from our vacation and spending a few days in Montreal. Just over two hours from our campground and a world away. We left after a rain storm and arrived Monday afternoon. Walked around the Quartier Latin and had a lovely Italian dinner. We intended to go to a movie, Mais le cinema est en Francais et non Anglais. So we walked back to our hotel and hung out.

We woke up to a gorgeous, sunny day and headed out to enjoy the city. It's amazing how many words we know from studying French back in high school and most folks we meet are fluent in English. But it is fun to try to speak in French and actually got directions and understood gauche and droite (left and right) and some verbs aussi.
This morning we got to the old Jewish section of town called "The Main" and found the famous Schwartz's deli and waited in line to get their specialty smoked meat. This is hot corned beef and Jeff proclaimed it good. I had a cold turkey sandwich and we shared pommes frites. The place started in 1928 and probably looks the same. Six strangers shared the table and very cramped and tons of character. We walked around a little and found the Bagg Street Synagogue which is still in use.
Next stop was the Jardin Botanique which was fabulous on a perfect weather day. We strolled the grounds and visited the Chinese and Japanese gardens complete with ponds and authentic buildings. Both areas had bonsai exhibits which were wonderful. Also enjoyed seeing the Insectarium with exhibits on butterflies, bees, beetles and really neat stick bugs.
We taking a siesta now and will write more later.

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