Thursday, March 25, 2010

Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream

Last night I was so tired I got in bed just after 9:00 pm. The phone rang and my friend Jan Trabb said, "Go outside and look at the moon." I said, "I'm in bed!" She replied, "Sorry, but go outside anyway and look at the moon." So Jeff and I trotted to the front walk and saw the most amazing sight. The moon was shining brightly among the stars in the clear night sky. Around the clear area was a cloudy circle that reached to earth and it was eerie and beautiful. It looked to me like a huge, round spaceship had descended to earth leaving a clear void in its wake.

I am now 60 and have never seen anything like this night sky. Jeff took a few photos and I went back to bed, but the memory lingers. Definitely worth getting up to see. This morning Jan said it is created by ice crystals and can be found on Google by searching "ring around the moon."

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