Monday, March 15, 2010

Frere Jacques

Monday in Paris and we are busy people with so much to see and do. Slept delightfully late today and finally got up and out to do another walking tour. Today we started with Notre Dame and explored inside and out. Had lunch at a pretentious bistro on the Ile St. Louis and then walked across the Seine to St. Germain du pres. Cute and touristy area with cobblestone streets and lots of history. Crossed back across the Seine and visited Sainte-Chapelle which has magnificent stained glass windows.

Finally made our way to the docks of Bateaux Mouches and took a river cruise. How beautiful everything looks from the water and how important this river is to the city. By now it is 5:00 and we are tired and head back to rest. About 8:00 we got out to dinner near by and enjoyed talking with the locals who all seem to love tourists even if they are American. So far we think the French are charming hosts and they even pretend to understand our rudimentary conversation in their language.

Time for le lit maintenant.

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