Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday

Jeff threw me a fabulous bowling birthday party last night. I had told him no party for this milestone birthday and instead we went to Paris. But he felt we needed some celebration so twenty of our closest friends joined us for a sporting evening. Most of us had been decent bowlers many years ago and they, like us, have not bowled in years. Oh, the aches and pains and groaning. The first game was a disaster as we tried to remember the old moves. The second game went a little better, but we all limped out of there. Luckily the score is all done electronically now so all we had to do was talk, have fun and try not to fall down on the alley.

We had pizza and sodas during the bowling and then adjurned to the bar for my purple cake. Jeff tallied all the scores and gave out prizes. I won highest score for the women which really doesn't say much since I didn't even break 100 the first game. The pictures above show me with the cake, friends Jan and Judy, Jeff after a strike and my perfect form on the alley.
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