Sunday, September 20, 2009
There's No Business Like Show Business
This week has been so busy with the High Holidays and lots of eating and socializing. We were invited out on Friday and Saturday for festive dinners with friends and we sang in the choir both days at services. I wish all of you a happy and healthy new year.
In the nature department we have a hummingbird hanging around and it is fascinating to watch. Lots of colorful butterflies also. I've been to the pool twice this week and tomorrow plan to go to water aerobics for the second time. So many activities to fit into the day. I finally got a few minutes to play the piano today which left very little time for cleaning and cooking and laundry.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Bosom Buddies (Mame)
It's raining this morning and very muggy. Ziggy and I went out at 7:30 am and saw these critters hanging on the garage wall. I thought the frog would be interested in eating the dragon fly, but they are the same size. Such a nice way to start the day.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tiptoe Through The Tulips

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Woody Woodpecker Song
Tuesday morning we are packed and ready to leave by 9 am. My parting gift was a loud rat-a-tat in a nearby tree. I looked up and saw this pileated woodpecker making a large hole in the trunk. He was pretty high up and didn't mind me taking pictures. Pretty cool with his red head, just like Woody. The last photo is our site after we pulled out. We drove all day and stayed overnight in a rest area in Virginia. On Wednesday we woke and drove until we reached Sun City about 7:30 pm. Safely home, the house looked great and Jeff, Ziggy and I slept soundly in our king size bed.
Tomorrow we'll unpack and the summer will be a pleasant memory.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Peek A Boo
Today I played "Peek A Boo" with this Great Blue Heron. He lives at the campground and today visited our pond. He watched me closely and really thought I couldn't see him as he ducked behind some bushes. I will miss the heron, ducks, geese, frogs and even the snakes. Living in nature has been a great experience.
Tonight was our goodbye party for "Fun & Games." It is always sad to say goodbye to friends. Tomorrow we go our separate ways and hopefully will meet again.
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen
The above is the title of the final episode of M*A*S*H, and I use it often in situations like this. I just clocked out from my last work assignment. Judy is about to go in for hers. At 5:00 PM we are done. We have a staff barbecue tonight, and that’s it!
We had a fantastic summer and leave with mixed feelings. I loved being outside and working with the guests. The biggest surprise of the summer is that I found out that I enjoy working with kids! I have always been a little afraid of them.
Four months is a long time to be away, and we will be glad to get back home. HaRVey the RV has been good to us this summer and we hope he will continue to be good on the way home. Of course there is a bunch of maintenance that will need to be done, but we can take our time with that.
Will we do this again next summer? The answer right now is “probably not.” The corporate owners of the campground have made some changes, a few of which we would find it difficult to live with. The biggest change is that we would no longer live at this campground. We would stay at a sister campground that is 7 miles away. Although a shuttle would be provided it would add a minimum of an extra hour (unpaid) each day. It would also mean that we could not run home on an hour lunch break to let Ziggy out or to have lunch. I would really miss commuting to work on my bike.
Also, there is no guarantee that we would have reliable phone service. Verizon has cell service at the campground, but it is only one bar in one or two small areas if you are standing on one foot and the wind is right. There is also some doubt about internet and cable TV.
If the corporate plans fall through and the sites are again available here we would most probably return. But we have all winter for us to look at options and the corporation to finalize its plans. We’ll have to wait and see.
Show Me the Way to Go Home
This morning I finished cleaning inside and out and now everything is put away and in travel mode. All of our neighbors have left and Ziggy and I enjoyed a peaceful walk. At the nearby pond we saw several duck families and they are all adults now, but still in groups. It has been so much fun watching them grow over the summer.
Tonight our department is having a farewell "wiener" roast and I am cooking beans and bacon in a crock pot. We plan to head out tomorrow morning and will drop off our much loved cable TV box on the way. If all goes well we should be home on Thursday and ready for all the activities clogging our calendars.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
We love this Jacques Brel song - Carnivals and cotton candy, carousels and calliopes..... Well today was our end of year carnival and what fun! The big top tent was all decorated and inside we had games and food. Outside was a dunking booth and pie throwing station along with a popcorn stand. The inside food was hot dogs, drinks and cotton candy which we were spinning. It was good!
I ran a ball toss booth and Jeff was chicken man with the kids tossing rubber chickens into a basket. We had tons of prizes to hand out and everyone seemed happy. it was quite an effort to set this up and break it down, but everyone pitched in and it happened.
There were games and relays outside, but I was so busy I never got to see what was going on there. Tonight we are relaxing and tomorrow we go back to our regular Sunday schedule which means a trip to the laundry in the morning for me. On Monday Jeff and I will share duties driving the shuttle all day and that is it. I'm hoping we will leave on Tuesday and arrive home on Thursday.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Glow Little Glow Worm
Isn't this the cutest little caterpillar? I saw him crawling around the other day and figure that is what is growing in all those webs around the campground. Anybody know what it is and what it will be?
Surfer Bird
Today Jeff and I started our clean up process. Jeff took down and washed the screen room and I began tossing broken items, brochures and newspapers that we have collected. For a treat we took out an electric boat on this sunny afternoon. It was so serene on the river and on the way back we saw these neat birds (wish the picture was better) that I think are green herons or least bitterns. Also a photo of our beach which I have enjoyed this summer.
Thursday night was our last wagon ride and I look worn out and Jeff was still partying after the guests had all gone home. Actually they all go to bingo at 7pm on Thursdays.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Another wonderful weather day, cold in the morning and hot by afternoon. There are very few campers on the grounds and only 40+ kids here this week. I drove the shuttle again this morning and worked at pedal carts in the afternoon. Did not rent one cart and was terminally bored. We went out with another couple for pizza in Lake George Village. We all rode down in the shuttle and enjoyed sitting in the back and being chauffered.
Jeff and Ziggy on a walk in the darkness in the top photo. The RC machine is another story. Midway through the summer soda machines appeared around the grounds. The sodas and water are $1.00 and very popular with the guests. We think our GM has a stake in the machines as he is always riding around and checking on them. Even fills them with sodas sometimes. We love this one which is near us as it is lit up all night in an otherwise pitch black area. It is our beacon as we approach and always a good chuckle.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Itsy Bitsy Spider