It was impossible to sleep last night as we were so excited to begin our adventure. Don’t forget that this is a working vacation for us. We spent most of the day meeting the members of our group and affixing a label to the back of each of the RV’s. This is so we can recognize each other on the road.
In the afternoon we had a speaker from the tourism bureau give a talk about the
There are 15 guest couples in our group, the trekmaster, and us the tailgunners. Our job is to bring up the rear and help any guests who have a mechanical or medical emergency. We also help get everyone out in the morning and offer coffee next to the sign out sheet. In addition we coordinate some activities, dinners and social events. Our group travels independently during the day and meets at the new campground in late afternoon. Some places we stay several days and have some planned events and some free time.
To bed so we can get up early.
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