Monday, June 18, 2007

Did You Know…

That all Canadian Radio Shacks are now The Source from Circuit City?

That Canada has a huge diamond mine way up north, and that supplies are brought in during the winter by driving huge trucks over frozen lakes?

That Alleve is a prescription drug in Canada?

That the Canadian dollar has risen against the US dollar to the point where there is only a 6% difference? (Ouch -- couple of years ago it was over 30%!)

That Saskatchewan doesn’t observe daylight savings time but the surrounding provinces do, so when you cross time zones here it gets REALLY confusing? The only way to know for sure what time it is is to ask a local.

That the Esso brand is still alive and well in Canada? (You youngsters out there will have no idea what I am talking about.)

That the Canadian dollar coin is called a “Loonie” because there is a loon on the face of it? (The two dollar coin is called a “Toonie.”)

That the West Edmonton Mall has over 800 stores and 100 eating places as well as an NHL-sized ice rink, a full-size model of the Santa Maria (where we saw weddings being performed!), a wave pool and bungee jumping?

That the city of Saskatoon is named after a berry? (And you thought the name was just made up [when you thought about it at all].)

That the city of Edmonton was started as a trading fort so trappers could supply beaver pelts for men’s hats in England?

That Canadians really do say “aboot” instead of “about” and use “eh?” as a punctuation mark?

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