Friday, March 27, 2020

Ode to Joy

Day 11 - Friday and the end of the week. Trying to stay busy and get exercise. Hard to not watch TV and be consumed by the news. My title is Beethoven. Saw a flash mob concert playing it and was fantastic. Lots of time to watch videos and read newspapers online. Read a great book yesterday and need to start another.

Thursday was another gorgeous weather day. Sirius and I walked in the morning and then I took a long walk to Hidden Cypress in the afternoon.

It is sorta spooky seeing everything closed and only a few walkers and bicycle riders outside.

The dog park with no dogs playing.

The softball field is usually busy with games and practices for many leagues, men, women and coed. And the wildly popular grilled hot dog day.

No one throwing horseshoes.

Pickleball is closed and just when two new courts were added.

I finally reached the boardwalk through the woods. It is so pretty here. Note this is not the nature trail.

The gator was still under the boardwalk. Her babies were playing nearby. They may stay with her up to two years. They are cute when little with their yellow stripes.

Sitting the porch later I heard a loud splash. Turned out to be this osprey fishing. I took this photo through the screen and even that small noise scared him off.

So now it is Friday night and pretty hot weather today. We got up late after staying up very late watching a TV series. Jeff took Sirius for a walk and came home bruised on his arm and leg. He tripped over a curb and Sirius and landed in the street. He say he is okay, but he should get checked. Too scary to think about going to the ER or an urgent care. We'll see how he is tomorrow.

In the afternoon I headed over to the nature trail to get some exercise. I used the golf cart which is a treat to drive getting fresh air and breezes.

This is a quiet stretch of the trail. 

A carpet of ferns on the forest floor.

Wild iris - a sign of spring.

The canals were dug when this land belonged to a paper company and used to drain water away from the tree roots.

On the drive home I saw this great blue heron. Then this gator zoomed towards him, but luckily there was no drama.

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