Sunday, January 17, 2016

The first time ever I saw my love.

Today is the first time I have hit 10,000 steps as early as 5:30pm. Yeah for me!

And, on the bus to our room we saw a coati. It is a Central/South American cousin to a Raccoon. The driver stopped to show it to us and called it Tehon which is the Spanish name. It is larger than a raccoon with a long tail equal to the size of its body. Also enjoying the birds on the beach. Aside from the noisy gulls are Royal Terns. They have a wild tuft of black feathers making them look comical.

So yesterday was a gorgeous day and we slept late and went to the beach. Then after lunch we went to the spa at the golf club for massages. Jeff spent over two hours getting a massage, facial and body scrub. I had a hot stone massage that was heavenly. After resting up from all that excitement we headed back to the golf club for a fancy dinner. They have two special, reservation only restaurants and we went to the Italian at 6:30. A beautiful room with excellent service. Food  was okay and the cheese tray was a nice, delicious start. Ended with a molten chocolate cake, but not as good as the one at the Brazilian Steakhouse.

Today we woke earlier and had breakfast at the Grand lobby. Then we took the bus to the Sunrise lobby and headed for the beach. We like to sit in the area reserved for concierge and higher members. They have comfy chaises, umbrellas and a bar. We spent the entire day there.

At noon I walked to the Nizuc lobby to get a facial. Then we had lunch and returned the the beach. We have been eating in the same poolside place the last few days. Jeff likes the hamburger and has learned to ask for it medium rare. They also have bacon, tomatoes and grilled corn. I get a grilled chicken thigh and leg. Today was special and they had mashed potatoes.

We stayed on the beach till it got too cold for me and now back in the room, reading and resting.

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