Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Sailing, Sailing....


A busy day getting home. We decided to take the ferry and it was a long trip. First we boarded the free ferry from Hatteras to Ocracoke and it was very windy. The ferry was small and open and we were positioned in the center taking up three car spaces. We got off after a pleasant and surprisingly smooth ride and waited for the larger ferry to take us to the mainland. Again we were placed inside and the ride was a bit bumpier, but we were okay. Really made us sure that a transatlantic cruise is not for us.

We finally made it to Nowheresville, NC and started the trek on country roads. We reached I-95 after 8 pm and Jeff was rarin' to get home so he continued to drive arriving at 1:30 am. We took a few necessities out of The MaRVelous Toy and returned him to the RV lot. Will unpack in the morning (afternoon) or whenever we get up.
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