Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do It To Me One More Time


The seder at Parris Island Marine Corps Base. Our synagogue volunteers run a service every Sunday morning for recruits. Jeff and I try to volunteer each month. Each year we also host a seder for the recruits and chaplains. This year I served as chair and got to arrange the logistics as well as shop, cook and serve the meal. We had about 40 people in attendance with 22 recruits, chaplains and our volunteers. It was a wonderful evening with a short reading of the Hagaddah and all the traditional foods. I made about 5 gallons of chicken soup with many, many matzoh balls and it was a big hit. Some of the recruits had never seen a matzoh ball and they liked them. All the traditional foods like gefilte fish,  brisket and potato kugel were servced and gobbled up quickly. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers who all pitched in with cooking, schlepping and cleaning. Jeff and I are exhausted in the kitchen after washing all the dishes and getting everything packed in the car.
B'Shanah Haba'ah B'Yerushalyim v' Parris Island (Next year in Jerusalem and Parris Island)
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