Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If You're Happy and You Know It

Just finished our last wagon ride and the title song was sung each time. The kids love it and so do I. We are packed and ready to roll in the morning. Weather was gorgeous today and a joy to be outside. Said goodbyes to all that mattered and lots of fond memories. Campers who were especially nice made me feel happy. All in all campers are a pleasant bunch who always wave and say hello.

Tonight we averted a tragedy as Jeff was struck by a kid riding one of our rental three wheelers. These are cool bikes where you lie down to ride. Anyway this kid came barreling behind Jeff on a hill and crashed into his back. Jeff fell backwards onto him and then rolled off. Several campers came running to his aid and got him up. He came home full of dirt and leaves and a bit shaken up, but no blood. He is going to be very sore in the morning and I hope that is all.

So our summer job is over and we are going home.

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