Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bite Me!

Today Judy and I worked at the bike/boat compound. On Mondays and Tuesdays we do the morning Dragon Wagon ride and then go to bikes/boats until 3:00.

The best number of staff to run the compound is four. It usually works out to two people doing bikes, one doing boats, and one more floating between the two and doing repairs and maintenance. Typically people rotate through the various jobs during the course of the day. On weekdays the staff is usually three people. Not a problem. Not all the maintenance gets done, but things keep flowing.

Today was quite hot and VERY humid. Judy and I work Mondays and Tuesdays with a young woman named Whitley. She is a 21-year-old single mother of a 3-month-old boy. The three of us were getting everything done although struggling with the heat and humidity.

Then Whitley was working with a young boy. He pulled her hand over and BIT her! The kid's mother said, "Oh yeah. He bites."

Whitley's skin had been broken, and she was freaking out. The owners of the campground handled it really well. They made sure she went to the ER. Betty, the owner's wife was smart enough to ask if Whitley is nursing. (She's not.)

At any rate, we were down to the two of us to run the whole shebang. We handled it, but it wasn't fun. Judy was nice (or crazy) enough to let me run home for a quick lunch and a pee break (for both me and Ziggy). And somehow we muddled through.

I don't want to say we were counting the minutes, but we were counting the minutes. Our shift finally ended. I went directly to the splash pool where I just soaked under the falling water. Judy went directly home. I came back, and we both fell sound asleep.

We haven't heard from Whitley yet. I hope she's OK.

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