Sunday, November 22, 2020

Bird is the Word

Thursday was a gorgeous day and Sirius and I took a long walk. We saw these wood storks near the Hidden Cypress golf course.

The boardwalk looked so pretty in the sunlight.

And a little fall color in the trees

Sirius had a bath and grooming and looks so handsome in his bandana.

This live oak tree showing off Spanish Moss.

In the afternoon I had a meeting in Riverbend and these turkeys were resting alongside the road.

So lucky to see the eagle's nest every time we go in or out of our street. I caught one of them in the nest.

Another walk with Sirius on a different route. We walked on another boardwalk and saw bald cypress trees and the golf cart bridge in the distance.

A cute little guy with yellow streaks.

On Saturday we went to Fish Haul Beach with Lynn, Neal and their dog Maggie. The weather was perfect and people were in the ocean swimming. Lots of dogs and Sirius was well behaved.

Pelicans fishing

A lazy Sunday and a real treat as a beautiful Osprey was fishing in our lagoon.

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