Thursday, July 18, 2019

Show Me the Way to Go Home

Thursday is the last of this whirlwind trip. Everyone is up early and wearing a red shirt to support women's health and reproductive rights. We are given signs to carry and proceed out to 73rd Street to protest. What energy as we chanted and encouraged passing vehicles to blow their horns in support.

Back inside we had a continental breakfast and I said my goodbyes as I had to get to the airport.

I caught an airport shuttle at 10:30 and had plenty of time to drive to JFK and grab some lunch before my flight. All went well and we were on time. It was raining in New York and the sky was clear all during the flight. When we got to Savannah we approached and the pilot put down the landing gear. Next thing we were gaining altitude as the tower had waved us off due to a thunderstorm right over the airport. We circled for a while and then flew to Charleston as we did not have enough fuel to wait for the weather to clear. On the ground we got fuel and had to wait while a repair was made to a luggage compartment door. We finally flew back and arrived three hours late. Poor Jeff and Sirius had been waiting all this time in the cell phone parking lot.

All's well that ends well and we got home, I unpacked and declared this a successful, fun and educational trip.

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