Saturday, April 05, 2014

Am I Blue?

We love our Hotel Blue in Eilat. It is small and quiet and the staff are wonderful.

We got up late, packed and set out to drive to Tel Aviv. We got a few feet when another guest sitting on the porch motioned to us that our tire was flat. And yes it was very flat. So we call the car rental and went round and round about them fixing the flat. Turns out they are closed all day for Shabbat and do not cover flat tires. Finally they agreed to send someone. In the meanwhile Jeff and Gabi, the hotel clerk, took out the spare tire and were amazed to find the jack handle, but no jack. Gabi actually had his girlfriend drive over with a jack, but the mechanic was on his way so we waited. When the guy got there he pulled all the plastic out of the trunk and found the jack tucked away. Who knew? Anyway the tire was changed and we will have to fight with the rental company when we get home if we are charged.

So now it is noon and we set off. The drive is fabulous as we head north along the Jordanian border and then head west driving through the Negev. Scenery is beautiful and kept changing. We saw several military installations with firing ranges for tank training and more. The road was full of hairpin turns and we climbed up mountains and went down the other side. About 2:00 we arrived at Mitzpeh Ramon, a huge crater we had visited in 1990. Since then the area has grown and become a popular tourist site. Many buildings have been added and a swanky hotel has rooms overlooking the canyon, each with a private swimming pool. We had lunch in a cafe overlooking the canyon and several adult ibexes walked past with their babies trailing behind.

I saw some neat birds.

We hung out for a while and then got back in the car. We passed by Avdat, an ancient city which is now a national park. It is actually on the Nabatean trade route and was the stop before Petra. We had explored there on our last trip. We did make a stop at Sde Boker. This kibbutz is where David Ben Gurion and his wife Paul retired to after so many years of public service. We visited their graves in a scenic park overlooking the desert.

Jeff and I did a selfie using the timer.

Back in the car again we drove north passing by Beer Sheba and finally to Tel Aviv. We are checked in to our hotel and walked to a nearby place for something to eat. We sat outside along the Mediterranean  and Jeff had pizza with corn on top which he is beginning to like. I had carrot cake with hot tea which was just perfect.

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