Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Comedy Tonight!

Jeff and I are appearing in the Sun City Follies. This annual production is a variety show with a theme. Our show is called Sentimental Journey and starts just before WWII and continues into the 60's ending with the Age of Aquarius as the finale. I am doing a comedy bit called "My Friend Irma" which is an old radio show. I am ditzy Irma in a big, blonde wig. I also sing backup in two musical numbers, Chatanooga Choo Choo and Charlie & The MTA. Jeff is doing "Who's On First?" and he is Costello. He has a solo in My Girl (Tom Lehrer) and backing up in Calendar Girl.

We are having so much fun and had two performances today and two more to go. The cast has about 100 people on and off stage and sold out audiences for each performance. We have a live band and great costumes, wigs and sets.

Top photo is me with Hinda Klinghoffer in one of her dance costumes. Middle is me with Carole Carl who plays Irma's roomate, Jane. Jeff and Stu Blickstein as Abbott and Costello.
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