Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Woke up to another gloomy day, but the superb breakfast made us happy. 13 of our group have asked the guide and bus to take us to Ohel Moshe, a museum which had been a synagogue. Here we saw a movie and exhibits on the Jews of Shanghai. Most had escaped the Nazis and found shelter here in China. The Chinese “Shamash” spoke to us and knew all the Hebrew names of the holidays and ritual items. This was such a meaningful experience and we all felt so good about this visit.

Later we boarded a plane to Yichang and arrived late afternoon. We had a local guide meet us and give us a city tour with a stop at an embroidery showroom. Jeff and I bought a beautiful piece to hang in our great room. Another lazy susan dinner in a hotel and then we were driven to our riverboat to begin our cruise.

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