Monday, June 21, 2010


I think today was the first time we really felt useful around here.

We were at the bike compound at 8:30 AM to get ready to open up at 9:00. When our co-worker showed up we popped over to the main pavilion to run the Dragon Wagon ride. Then back to the bike pavilion for a hot day of renting bikes and boats. We ran into a family of guests we had met last year at Lake George. Evidently they come to both places each year because they live halfway between. They were flattered that I remembered them. They knew we looked familiar but couldn't place us. They remembered me from the river tubing. Off at 3:00 and I came home to crash in the A/C.

At 6:30 we were back for the evening Dragon Wagon ride and then immediately over to Candy Bar Bingo. They let me call one of the games (I think I was in training.) and we were runners and checkers for the other games.

Immediately after that we had our first karaoke night with our brand-new equipment. I was the DJ and Judy was the organizer. It was a pretty big success for a first shot. The highlight of the evening was a 4-year old who sang something about a bunny and would not leave the stage. He just kept repeating it over and over until Judy gently stopped him. The crowd was hysterical. Then there was the boy who got up and decided to sing a bizarre version of "Adon Olam." Don't ask! We also had a couple of guests with great voices - and others with great enthusiasm - that made it fun.

Back home at 10:30 PM for the conclusion of a very long - but productive - day.

Another long one tomorrow if the weather holds. Same early schedule. Then our campfire/sing-along after the evening Dragon Wagon ride. Beats the heck out of being bored!


Unknown said...

Hey Jeff and Judy! Glad you're having a fun summer. The heat here in SC is outrageous, but the political goings-on have been entertaining. You've probably been following on the national news!

Miss you guys!

Karen B

Unknown said...

Useful is good. Quiet is also good and that's what it has been here because of the heat. Lots of beach, pool and cards. Hope to see you soon.