Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Hangin' in There

Bike Week is half over. We are pretty much working the front gate, checking IDs and selling wristbands. We were specifically told that we could participate in the activities as much or as little as we want. If we stay out of the entertainment tent and the swimming pool it's pretty much just another week, albeit noisier.

The following weekend is Father's Day, and we should start to get into the regular summer schedule. Today we are getting DirecTV, so that problem will be solved. We are just going to have to live with having a very poor Internet connection. The best connection we have is using my cell phone as a wireless modem.

Last week we went to Penn's Cave where we toured underground caverns in a boat. This Thursday we are meeting friends Judy and Sam Emmett in Harrisburg for lunch.

So the jury's still out, but we are making do with what we have.

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