Friday, April 09, 2010

Hawaiian Love Song

Jeff and I performed in the Theatre Club monthly entertainment. It was "The Gong Show" and we agreed to take part only if we were gonged immediately. What fun we had as the show was soooo bad and the judges were reluctant to gong anyone even though the audience was screaming, "Gong them!"

I appeared as the Princess Lakanooki and performed the Hawaiian Hula Dance a cappella. Have to say I got a lot of laughs as I explained what my act was and then did some warm up exercises and paced the stage to get my bearings. I looked ridiculous in three huge leis and had a really good time.

Jeff was on twice - first as Billy Bob Bubba Schwartz III, or triple BS. He was a championship cowboy yodeler. Second time out he was Moonflower Cannabis, playing the Greatest Hits of the Partridge Family on his kazoo.

You may wonder how we dream up these things - I don't know, but it makes life interesting.
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