Saturday, August 11, 2007

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

The above title is from the final episode of M*A*S*H. It seemed fitting for the trek.

Welcome to Prince George, BC and the end of our trek. A city of 60,000 plus, Prince George has all a major city has to offer – including a pretty decent restaurant for our farewell dinner. There wasn’t much of a program so Judy and I put one together. I sang “So Long. It’s Been Good to Know Ya” (with 7 verses I had written about our trek) and Judy handed out “Award” certificates to all the trekkers. We got some gratuities -- nice thought, but we will be donating them to a charity (to be determined at a future date).

So, our trek (the working part, anyway) is over. We are glad to be heading home. While we have to admit the work wasn’t very hard, it was work. We were “on” 24/7 and were called upon to help out on many occasions.

Now we head back through Banff and Glacier National Parks and the home. I suspect the drive from Glacier home is going to be a dash to the finish. It is about 2800 miles and will probably take 7 days, although we may do it in less time because we are anxious to get back.

Did we have a good time? Emphatically YES! But I think that we both agree that the best length for a trip is 8-9 weeks. Not everyone agrees with us. Two of the guests left home on March 15 (that’s 5 months and counting). One of them left for a previous RV trip with no particular destination in mind and came home 8 months later!

It really isn’t any harder to take an 8 month trip than a 2 month trip (except you may need heavier clothes as well as summer stuff). But we have a new home to get back to (and an old one to sell – don’t ask!) and new and old friends to see, and the holidays coming up.

And we have to get ready for more traveling: an RV trip up north in October for a wedding and to see friends, and a trip to the Galapagos in November for Judy and Carol et. al.

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