Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Be It Ever So Humble...

We're home!

After almost 11 weeks and 12,000 miles it was great to get home. And "home" it finally is. This is the first time we are really here "permanently." The other times we were here we were always in between events. Either we were running back and forth between here and Yardley or we were planning for our trek. But now we are here and it is home.

I am not sure about who of us is happiest to be here, but I suspect it is Ziggy. She was really good on the trip, but traveling was hard on her.She stood all the time we were traveling in the RV.

The trip back from Glacier was reminiscent of a horse running back to the barn. We left the park and started driving. Three days to drive 2800 miles. Stopping overnight at Wal*Mart and rest areas. Taking quick breaks for lunch -- sometimes at rest areas. We often traveled 12 hours a day or more. But it was time to get home.

By any standard it was the trip of a lifetime. Alaska was great! We loved Canada. Oh, yes -- we loved the lower 48 as well.

We have now RVed in 44 states plus 4 provinces in Canada. The five we have missed (I don't think we will be taking the RV to Hawaii.) are Louisiana, Nebraska, Michigan, Washington and Oregon. I suspect that the last two will be the next to go. We have been want to go to the Pacific Northwest (and Vancouver) for a long time. If we go back to Alaska next year we may hit them on the way up. (I suspect we will make sure we go through Nebraska as well. What the heck!)

But for now we are home. We are happy to be here. We had a great time. Now back to the real world.

Anybody want to buy a house in Yardley?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Judy and Jeff,
We are trying to contact you to no avail. Please email either Hannoch or me.
