Saturday, July 08, 2006

Wonderful World

Thursday, July 6 and we are in Minnesota. This is the home of Garrison Keillor and his "Prairie Home Companion" and Jeff and I are huge fans. So this blog is brought to you by Duct Tape, Catsup and Rhubarb Pie. Here we are in the middle of nowhere on a country road we see a street sign that says 425th Street. Even New York doesn't have that much chutzpah.

We are on our way to the Mall of America and you don't have to hire Guy Noir to find it. It is the largest mall anywhere and has an amusement park and aquarium inside in addition to stores and restaurants and movie theatres. Sadly all the stores are the same ones we have at home and in every other mall. I spent my time getting a manicure and pedicure while Jeff got a water massage and explored.

Being in a metropolitan area again is fun, but means we are nearing the end of our trip. We are seeing Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts stores. I have to tell you that there are many areas left if you want to get a franchise in some of the states we visited. Some of those places could use a Steak 'n Shake or In & Out Burger also.

One of the nicer things we saw were people sponoring sections of the nation's highways. Clubs, businesses, religious groups and even individuals had their names as volunteers. We noticed 4-H clubs, Rotary Clubs, Lutheran Brotherhood, high schoolers and every type of business. I also want you to know that we have two mascots with us. Our pals are Bucky Beaver and Buddy Bison and they are looking ut for us as we ride along.

After the mall we put on some miles and get into Wisconsin, home of Michael Feldman of What d'ya Know fame. The state looks very green and hilly. We make our way to Lake Menomonie and a just plain weird campground. Dinner at Applebee's and a confrontation with a really nasty insect completes our day.

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