Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Jimmy Cracked Corn

Time to say adieu to Celeste and Arnie.

We headed south to visit the Jamestown Settlement.This triangle in southern Virginia contains Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown. Today we explored the excellent museum and exhibits at Jamestown, the first English settlement in the US. Roanoke Colony was nearby, but did not survive so Jamestown calls itself the first.

We arrived at an impressive large brick building that houses a massive museum. First we saw a movie describing the Virginia Company and how they sent settlers to the New World. The we went outside for a 90 minute tour with docents. First stop was an Indian village with large family huts covered in mats.

Inside the huts with a large cooking area in the floor with vent overhead and beds/seating along the walls covered in animal skins.

A large monument along the path.

A Native Dance Circle

A large Bald Eagle nest overhead and outdoor cooking area.

Then we visited one of the replicas of the three ships that brought the settlers across the Atlantic.

Onboard we climbed down to the lower deck to see how the people lived and where supplies were stored.

Back on the deck in the bright sunlight.

Final stop was the English homestead in the wooden walled fort.

The church with two bells in the steeple.

Building with thatched roof and cannon in front.

Inside the Governor's home.

It ended with an interesting talk abut the musket. The musketeer showed how to load and care for the gun. Then he actually fired with a large boom!

Inside it took over an hour to hurry through the museum exhibits and movies arranged by decades. Very well done and so glad we visited.

We had pizza for late lunch and drove through some pretty countryside to reach  the interstate. We passed the home of President John Tyler and several other plantations. Spent the night in Rocky Mount, NC. We had dinner at a "real" diner.

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