Sunday, October 29, 2017

Baby, It's Cold Outisde

First cold day of the season. It is the last Sunday in October which means Shalom Y'all, the Jewish Food Festival in Savannah, sponsored by Temple Mickve Israel. Met Carol there and a few other friends, ate some good food, heard klezmer music.

Jeff and I drove out to Fort Pulaski to spend a few hours in the solitude and beauty of the grounds. It was too cold for song birds, but we found our way to the Savannah River and watched some huge freighters make their way into the port.

A special treat while watching the gulls - a bald eagle appeared and put on quite a show.

Then I took a walk around the fort enjoying the stillness and history of the grounds.

The best was to come as we went back into town to see our cousins Marlene & Bob Waage. They flew in from Texas for a business conference and we had a lovely dinner together with great conversation and lots of catching up on family stuff.

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