Friday, July 21, 2017

The Trolley Song

Got up to a sunny day after an interesting night. We are staying on the 18th floor of the hotel. An alarm went off after midnight and that was very creepy. A few minutes later a voice came over a speaker saying all was clear and sorry for the inconvenience. Do not know what was going on, but happy to finally fall asleep and wake up this morning.

We have arranged for a trolley tour at 10:00 and had a quick breakfast at Dunkin Donuts on the way. We boarded the air-conditioned trolley for a 90 minute tour. Luckily it ended on time unlike Gilligan's infamous tour. We drove around the downtown area of Louisville, a city of one million residents and through some beautiful residential streets. Saw a lovely park designed by Frederic Olmstead where they do Shakespeare plays in the evenings.

The city is names for Louis 16 who gave assistance to the area and also many things named for Thomas Jefferson who as president helped Kentucky become a state separate from Being part of Virginia. Saw the University of Louisville and stopped for a photo op at Churchill Downs.

They have electric buses here that have recharging stations right on the main streets and the cost nothing to ride. Solar powered trash compactors on the streets keep the city beautiful.

Downtown many buildings have cast iron fronts and preservation is important keeping the historic facades in place.

The Ohio River is on the edge of town and across is Indiana. There is a large paddle wheeler there and several other tourist boats. On the Indiana side is the world's second largest clock after Big Ben. It is the site of a Colgate factory. There is a similar clock in Jersey City, NJ, at a Colgate plant.

After the tour we walked past City Hall.

Next stop was the Louisville  Slugger Museum & Factory. They make the bats right here in town and the place is well worth a visit. Outside they have a metal bat, largest in the world.

Inside there is a good movie and then a guide takes you through the factory showing how the wooden dowels are turned into bats, sanded, branded with the logo and dipped in the lacquer finish. Each person receives a tiny wooden bat as a souvenir. You can purchase regular size bats and have them personalized. I took a swing with Mickey Mantle's bat and met a cutout of Jackie Robinson.

Now it is lunch time and we decided on a good burger place nearby. Good atmosphere and Jeff had a good , but not great burger. I had a delicious veggie burger made from red beets, quinoa and mushrooms. I really enjoyed it, especially topped with goat cheese and arugula. Now we were ready for our next adventure, the Muhammed Ali Center.

This five floor museum is fairly new and a fitting tribute to "The Greatest."  Starting with an emotional movie we saw exhibits about the young Cassius Clay, training to be a boxer and the Olympic gold metal, conversion to Islam, boxing bouts and humanitarian efforts. Along the way was his refusal to enter the Army during Viet Nam. Very impressive and I highly recommend a visit here. Excellent use of multi media.

We walked back to our hotel on an elevated walkway from the hotel which goes behind the large arts center. Waterfalls, statues and large pavilions up here overlooking the river.

 It is really hot today and we are happy to rest in our cool room before dinner. Wide awake as the paddle wheeler is providing a calliope concert. Very squeaky and not enjoyable, but very funny. I can see the smoke coming out. Right now it is the Beatles, just had Daisy, Daisy, and many other old hits. Time for dinner and tonight we walk down 4th Street to a local brewery. The place is hopping and we get a small high top table near the bar. I had a small craft beer. Good, pale ale went well with fish and chips.

Afterwards we walked back listening to screaming crowds enjoying a concert in the stage area called 4th Street Live. It is a block long pedestrian mall with many restaurants and shops.

Back at the hotel we decided to walk across on the third floor overpass. Did not realize it is a conservatory with a glass roof. Midway is a huge bar and seating areas. We sat at a small table looking out at the river. I had a bourbon slush since Louisville and Kentucky are famous for bourbon. The bar was very cool, the counter was a fish tank. In the center was a large bird cage with cute birds and nests. Back to our room on the 18th floor and to bed.

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