Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sand Castles

Who knew that New Hampshire had beautiful beaches? Today we went "down the shore" as we say in New Jersey. Just over an hour south of us is the Atlantic Ocean and Hampton Beach. I almost thought I was back at the Jersey shore. The sky was so blue with puffy and wispy clouds that made me glad to enjoy the outdoors.
The beach was pretty full with sun bathers and lots of folks were in the water. We walked and stopped for beach food and what fun would that be if the gulls didn't beg for your food? This herring gull was very brave and posed nicely for pictures.
Our main purpose in coming was to see the annual sand sculpting competition. Today they were still carving and the judging is this weekend, but we will be working. We were very impressed by the artists and their works. In the center was a large sculpture with all the advertisers. 250 tons of sand were brought in for the competition and it will be lit for night viewing.

This gal seemed to be conversing with Gandalf and contemplating how to finish him.

We really enjoyed this beach town and hope to return when it is warmer so we can enjoy the ocean.

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