Thursday, January 17, 2013

Alley Oop

Today we ventured out on another tour and it was excellent! We chose to take a three site snorkeling trip and the weather was perfect. We started out spending an hour in the van picking up 12 fellow travelers and then drove almost an hour south. Our guide was named Jesus and he was a gem. Funny, smart and very aware of our safety.

First stop was a cenote with crystal clear water. This is a fresh water pond in the middle of the jungle and truly a beautiful place with lush foliage. We both passed on jumping off the 20 foot cliff, but did do the zip line that you dropped off into the water. Hard for me because of my lack of arm strength, and I held on for dear life. The water was warm and a few little fish to see with our snorkels.

We drove up the road to a large cave system and swam inside in the frigid water. It certainly was refreshing and lots of good formations. It was also crystal clear and you could see down more than 40 feet. Then we had lunch in their little restaurant and the grilled chicken and guacamole hit the spot for hungry swimmers.

Last stop was in the town of Akumal where we snorkeled in an estuary to the edge of the Caribbean. Lots of colorful fish and also a green sea turtle and a large stingray. We swam about a mile round trip and were exhausted and slept most of the way home. Luckily we were the first to be dropped off and had time to take a nap before dinner.

Went back to the Italian restaurant and there was a violin playing light classical music that we enjoyed. Food and service were very good and then we decided to try the entertainment. It was a magician and he was good. Nice patter and action and several good tricks that we enjoyed. Finally up to bed and time to play on our iPads before falling asleep.

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