Thursday, November 18, 2010


Each month our theatre club presents an hour show at the meeting. We call them "monthlies" and they range from an original script to a scene from something famous to the "Gong Show." This month our pal Stu Blickstein (Seated in top photo) wrote an original piece called Broadway Origins. He took books and stories and showed how they became Broadway shows. There were readings and songs and lots of fun for our cast and the audience.

Top photo is our cast in costume. Next is me with my "sisters" singing Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof. Jeff and I introduced that segment reading from "Tevye's Daughters" by Sholem Aleichem. Jeff and his partner sang Brush Up Your Shakespeare from Kiss Me Kate and were so funny and great dance moves too. The two of them also performed as horses in a Man of LaMancha number.
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