Monday, March 26, 2007


We got an e-mail from David Baxley this morning. "Who is David Baxley?" you might ask. He is the owner of Alaska RV Adventures. He offered us a job as tailgunners on a 50 day RV caravan to Alaska.

Let me explain some of those terms. An RV caravan is a group of RVs (in this case about 15) who travel the same itinerary as a group. Think of it as a wagon train. With this particular company, however, the RVs do not have to stay together.

There are typically 2 types of professionals that travel with the group. Trekmasters lead the way. They are responsible for making sure the arrangements are all made for campgrounds, tours, etc. Tailgunners (that's us) follow behind. We are the last to leave the campground in the morning and are not allowed to pass any member of the caravan. We make sure no one gets lost or breaks down. We help with minor mechanical repairs, medical problems (God forbid!), and anything else that the tour members need. It is a training position for trekmasters for future caravans. We get all of our gas and campgrounds paid for and we also receive a small stipend.

This caravan begins at Dawson Creek, BC on June 22 and ends at Prince George, BC after traveling 50 days in Alaska, British Columbia, and Yukon Territory. We are so excitied we can't even think straight right now. This adventure is what I was referring to in my last post when I said we had something "cool" in the works.

Oh - I forgot the best part - we can bring Ziggy with us! If you want to see more details, go to

I'm sure Judy will be posting this afternoon. I think she is even more excited than I am.

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